Falhouse Books only accepts electronic submissions. Unless another method is specified below, please send your work directly to our editorial team using the online form and the first five pages of your manuscript (within the email–no attachments please!). If it is a picture book, please include the entire manuscript. We generally respond within 6-8 weeks, although we do get behind occasionally. Please reach us at publisher@falhousebooks.com if you have questions or need assistance with the submission process.

Submit Online

  1. You can send your work directly to our editorial team using the online form.
  2. This is our preferred method and will ensure the quickest response.

By Email

  1. Please send a synopsis and complete manuscript via email to: publisher@falhousebooks.com


In the first instance, please send the following:

  • A synopsis and complete manuscript
  • Word count (of the complete manuscript)
  • Genre and target audience
  • Your name and contact details
  • Any relevant information about the author should also be included
  • Please send all material for review as a single PDF fille.


Electronic versions of your manuscript should be in one file and not separate files for each chapter or section. Use Microsoft Word format and 12pt Times New Roman font.


Once your submission is received it is considered for publication by an editor, who will assess content, subject matter and suitability under our imprint.

If the editor considers the work to be appropriate for our imprint, we will put forward an offer of publication, under a hybrid publishing contract.